The daily life of an Otaku

The daily life of an Otaku

onsdag 30. november 2011


Yesterday, I watched the Dragon ball movies. I have 6 movies and 1 special on DVD, so I decided to finish them all off in one go as I had one day off with nothing work-related to do. And I managed to do it.
It's not that I dislike the show, but Anime movies based on tv-series usually turns out to be garbage, and this was no exception: Only two out of six movies (and a special) were fun to watch. That was "Coolers Revenge" and "Bojack Unbound" as these had much more to it than an endless, boring hour of fighting scenes. I haven't watched DBZ, but I had read the manga so I was following what happened. I'm still at the original Dragon Ball series, which I will finish when I get the next sets.

The answer to everything was this power.  I was used as a last
resort in every single movie...

fredag 25. november 2011

4 episodes of Nichijou~

Today, I decided to watch some more Nichijou! I loved the series to death, but because of busy periods, I haven't really been able to watch that many episodes... 

This is the perfect show for fans of either slice-of-life or extreme random series. As Kyoto Animation made this, the animation is very fluid. The studio really gets to show their talents during the overdramatic/hyper scenes, it's possibly the most number of frames ever used in an Anime. The humor is basicly everyday stuff, but on a whole another level. If you're tired of anime too similar to each other, look no more! It's like a fast paced version of Azumanga Daioh. Some great previews:

"Episode 1"
They animate exactly what you're feeling happens when something like this happens.
(Losing food on the floor, that is)
                                                                         "Episode 2"
She's got her yaoi drawings... And she's not gonna give it back!
                                                                       "Episode 3"
This usually doesn't happen, but in this show, nothing is impossible
                                                                         "Episode 4"
A snowman in a comvenience store for only 99 yen! (1$)
You have to watch it for yourself to see how funny these scenes are. If you have a heart for comedy or randomness, you're going to love this.

torsdag 24. november 2011

The perfect combo

Yesterday, I read through the Azumanga Daioh 10-years anniversary fanbook. This book consist of 300 pages, where 150 is (full color) pictures of merchandise/Manga/DVDs/CDs the show has spawned, while the rest of the book had the some 4-koma Azumanga stories drawn by famous manga artists. This includes the creator of Nichijou, Paniponi Dash and Ichigo Marshmallow. I only flipped a few pages when I saw IT, the infamous combo:
Am I dreaming!?
Yes, this is the best combo of manga characters ever made: Onsokumaru AND Chiyo's dad in the same story! I'm speechless as the main reason why I watched 2x2= Shinobuden was because of the voice actor (Norio Wakamoto ftw!)

The whole story is about 10-pages long and made by the creator of "2x2=Shinobuden". Only two pages out of the ten had Onsokmaru as a cameo. Sakaki was dreaming, when she thought she heard Chiyo's dad. But, it was in fact Onsokumaru calling. She is creeped out and thinks Chiyo's dad have transformed into a muscle dude.
What have I been drinking...

 Later on, Sakaki tells Chiyo's dad about Onsokumaru and he begins mimicing Onsokumaru. Later, after some comments about them having the same voices, Sakaki runs and we know it is all a dream

So if you're a huge fan of Azumanga Daioh, you should absolutely get this. There's around 20 different manga authors who has paid their respect to the series by drawing their own version of the show, so you may find your favorite manga artist in the bunch.

tirsdag 22. november 2011

Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou Collector's Edition

Today when I were going to play some "Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou" on my PS3 system, I realized something horrible...
                                                      Great, looks perfectly fine so far...

                                                     Wait a minute... what is that card!?

                                                    Perhaps a trading card of some sorts?

No, wait... it has a scratchable code!?

I forgot to use the PSP/PS3 theme code I recieved as a bonus for pre-ordering the game. Or perhaps I didn't know what it was, I don't really remember anymore. For those wondering, you're eligibled to download 12 official themes with different characters from the show once you redeem it.

Just to make things worse, I went on and checked the photoalbum that was included. Not a good idea.
Why is he licking his finger like that... and why is it white!?

Kyon has never been so gay before
Sure, he just slipped. But Koizumi seems to enjoy it...
I really like Koizumi, but there's way too much yaoi stuff in the games. Not that I mind though, as I find everything hilarious. Perhaps one can look at it as a payback for including too much female fanservice in anime. I'm just glad the CG in the games are drawn by "Kyoto Animation"

mandag 21. november 2011

GTO Box Set Releases

While they now have updated and re-released the GTO box set for the third time, there was a time when it was nearly impossible to grab the DVD-set at a fair price. And I didn't. 113 dollars for the first season, 80 dollars for the second. But I got a free T-shirt (3 sizes too big for me, XXL), but I'll wear it no matter how stupid it looks. 

Tokyopop release this set first, divided in 10 volumes and 2 boxes to store them. Some years later, "Funimation" re-released it for a very limited time in the form of 2 season sets. And just recently, in 2013, Discotek Media release the whole series in a very slim cover. So this is a great year to get the show if it appeals to you (It's only 45$ on amazon anyways).

Well, I may have given 113$ for this set,
but still worth it if you ask me

The introduction of yet another Otaku

Hello EveryNYON. How AAA you? Fain, Zankyu

This is the blog of an otaku. I will mostly focus on anime/manga items or cd/dvds I've brought, but I'll ocassionaly mention other topics as well. So if you're unsure if you should buy something or not, this is the place for you to be.

If you got money, you'll always prioritize buying at least one of these formats.