The daily life of an Otaku

The daily life of an Otaku

tirsdag 22. november 2011

Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou Collector's Edition

Today when I were going to play some "Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou" on my PS3 system, I realized something horrible...
                                                      Great, looks perfectly fine so far...

                                                     Wait a minute... what is that card!?

                                                    Perhaps a trading card of some sorts?

No, wait... it has a scratchable code!?

I forgot to use the PSP/PS3 theme code I recieved as a bonus for pre-ordering the game. Or perhaps I didn't know what it was, I don't really remember anymore. For those wondering, you're eligibled to download 12 official themes with different characters from the show once you redeem it.

Just to make things worse, I went on and checked the photoalbum that was included. Not a good idea.
Why is he licking his finger like that... and why is it white!?

Kyon has never been so gay before
Sure, he just slipped. But Koizumi seems to enjoy it...
I really like Koizumi, but there's way too much yaoi stuff in the games. Not that I mind though, as I find everything hilarious. Perhaps one can look at it as a payback for including too much female fanservice in anime. I'm just glad the CG in the games are drawn by "Kyoto Animation"

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